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Title: Analisis Faktor Pendorong Perubahan Penutupan dan Penggunaan Lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai Cimandiri dan Cibuni
Authors: Kaswanto
Aroengbinang, Bhre Wijaya
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: North region West Java’s development around Jakarta is constantly accelerating. The development itself has caused many problems which are happening until today. However, the development in south region of West is very slow, although there are many potential land for development. Two watersheds which are located in south region, namely Cimandiri and Cibuni watershed are less developed than the watersheds in the north region of West Java. Therefore, supporting landscape planning to explore the watershed resources potential and landscape management to consider the environmental impacts for supporting the Low Carbon Societies (LCS) movement is needed. The purposes of this research are to analyze land use and land cover changes, and to determine the driving factor of the changes in Cimandiri and Cibuni watershed. The used methods are supervised classification and Logistic Regression Analysis (LRA). The results are land use map of Cimandiri and Cibuni watershed in 1978, 1995/6, and 2012. Farm field, forest, and bushes field are dominating in both watersheds. The driving factors for Cimandiri watershed show that there are four factors while there are three factors in Cibuni watershed that are significantly affecting land use and cover change.
Appears in Collections:UT - Landscape Architecture

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