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Title: Evaluasi dan Desarin Struktur Kelembagaan pada Kementrian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia
Authors: Kartika, Lindawati
Rasyid, Bimo Aulia
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The government through Ministry of Labour and Transmigration (Kemenekertrans) has seeked their duties and function to develop the Labour and Transmigration. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the structure of institutional, analyze duties and functions overlapping, and give an alternative structure plans in Kemenekertrans for 2015-2019. It was used a descriptive qualitative method with Soft System Method (SSM). It had been used fishbone analysis also. Primary datas had been gained by Forum Group Discussion (FGD) and Indepth Interview too. Secondary datas had been gotten by analyzing document such as, appraisal advisory, key performance indicator from many sources. The result of the research concluted about the multibasis structure. Overlapping duties and fuction, preparation to face globalization be a direct cause. There are two alternative scenarios which will be handed to Kemenakertrans, scenario soft 1 (NK1 & SS1) and soft 3 (NK3 & SS1).
Appears in Collections:UT - Management

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