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Title: Maskulinisasi Belut Sawah Monopterus albus melalui penyuntikan 17a-metiltestosteron dan peningkatan suhu
Authors: Arfah, Harton
Soelistyowati, Dinar Tri
Desmawati, Lilis
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Ricefield eel (Monopterus albus) is hermaphrodite protoginy fish with the sex change from female, interseks and male. This study aimed to stimulate of sex change to obtain male ricefield eel by injection 17α-metiltestosteron (MT) and increased temperature. The treatment is designed factorial with two treatments, 17α-methyltestosterone doses (0 and 50 mg/kg body weight) and temperature (room and 32 ° C). Each treatment consisted of 15 ricefield eel, with average body length 26,01±2,23 cm and weight of 13,67±4,31 g. Induced MT hormone with intramuscular method once dose every week as much as five weeks, whereas the induction temperature treatment as long as six weeks. The results treatment MT and in room water temperature (B) showed 50% male, 50% intersexes, and temperature at 32oC (D) showed 100% intersexes, whereas the treatment without MT added and temperature at 32 oC (C) showed 57,15% intersexes, 42,85% female, and then control treatment (A) showed 28,57% intersexes and 71,43% female. Induced MT 50 mg/kg body weight capable to direction male ricefield eel at the body length 24,6-26,2 cm.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquaculture

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