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Title: Kerentanan Anak dan Kesejahteraan Anak Pada Keluarga Petani
Authors: Puspitawati, Herien
Primasari, Danisya
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: This reseacrh aimed to identified vulnerability and well-being of children in a family of farmers, identified the typology of vulnerability and well-being of children in the family farmer, and analyze the relationship between family characteristics, characteristics of children with the vulnerability of children and child well-being. The population in this research are family farmers who have children 4 and 5 th grade who reside in the village Sindangjaya, District Cipanas, Cianjur with a sample of 35 children. Sampling was conducted using probability sampling method with random sampling techniques. The results showed that the internal susceptibility to family farmers is low, relatively low external vulnerability child, and child well-being on farm families is low. Typology vulnerability of children and the well-being of children in a family of farmers included in Type 1 and Type 4. There was a significant negative correlation between family size and order of the child with the child's welfare, but found no significant relationship between the characteristics of families and children with children's vulnerability
Appears in Collections:UT - Family and Consumer Sciences

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