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Title: Faktor iklim dan tanaman ubijalar: Analisis pola tanam dan profit usaha tani di Desa Cikarawang
Authors: Nur, Irza Arnita
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Sweet potato is one of the crop that can be used by Indonesian people as a staple or a processed foods. Sweet potato becomes the main commodity in Cikarawang village. Cikarawang has average rainfall of about 314 mm/month, average monthly temperature 25 oC to 28 oC, and average monthly sunshine duration of 64%. Cikarawang has three cropping patterns; cropping pattern A: sweet potato (month January-April) – sweet potato (May-August) – paddy (September-December), cropping pattern B: sweet potato (January-April) – peanut (May-August) – paddy (September-December), and cropping pattern C: only plants sweet potato all years. There were differences in productivity, production costs, and profitability in the three types of cropping pattern in Cikarawang. The analysis showed that temperature, rainfall, and sunshine duration affect the production costs and profit. A high rainfall, low temperature, high surplus and runoff caused high production costs. High production mostly commonly occurred in period of January-April. The survey indicated that cropping pattern A is the most profitable resulted from highest profit.
Appears in Collections:UT - Geophysics and Meteorology

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