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Title: Pemeriksaan keanggotaan elemen pada himpunan dengan bloom filter
Authors: Bukhari, Fahren
Khatizah, Elis
Riswanto, Adi
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Examination of membership elements is often executed on several applications. Expected time to perform such examination is a minimum time with minimal errors. For example, the Google Chrome web browser takes a short time to do an examination of malicious URLs. The common algorithms used to perform examination of the membership are called the Sequential Search and Binary Search. However, the algorithms are considered inefficient. The Bloom Filter is considered offering the solution. It is a data structure which is able to do examination of membership within short time, but producing errors. One of the errors is assosiated with a false positive. A claim that an element to be part of the set when it was not the member. This paper aims to explain the procedure of the Bloom Filter algorithm on the membership examination of elements in a set. Also, this work is intended calculate the probability of false positives, and to minimize the probability.
Appears in Collections:UT - Mathematics

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