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Title: Distribution and Abundance of Black Band Disease on Corals Montipora sp in Seribu Islands, Jakarta
Authors: Johan, Ofri
Bengen, Dietriech G.
Putri Zamani, Neviaty
Issue Date: 19-Mar-2015
Abstract: Penelitian tentang kelimpahan dan penyebaran penyakit karang telah dilaksanakan sejak Juni dan Juli 2011 untuk mengetahui kelimpahan awal penyakit karang jenis Black Band Disease (BBD – Penyakit Garis Tebal Hitam) pada beberapa pulau di Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Metode pengamatan menggunakan transek sabuk dengan lebar 1 m ke kiri dan ke kanan, panjang bentangan meteran 20m dengan ulangan sebanyak 3 kali. Transek ditempatkan pada dataran terumbu dengan kedalaman 0–3 m dengan mencatat jumlah koloni yang terinfeksi penyakit karang jenis BBD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyakit karang jenis BBD banyak ditemukan pada tutupan karang yang tinggi dan karang jenis Montipora sp dominan di lokasi tersebut. Berdasarkan lokasi secara umum kelimpahan tertinggi terjadi di Pulau Pramuka bagian utara (0.15 kol/m), Pulau Pari bagian timur (0.092 kol/m), Pulau Penjaliran (0.092 kol/m), dan Pulau Tikus (0.085 kol/m). Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan ANOVA diperoleh kelimpahan penyakit karang BBD berbeda nyata antara kelompok lokasi penelitian, yaitu antara lokasi jarak terdekat dengan jarak sedang, dan lokasi jarak terdekat dengan jarak terjauh dengan nilai perbedaan (signifikan) berturut-turut 0.030 dan 0.025 (tingkat kepercayaan 5%). Sedangkan pada kelompok lokasi jarak sedang dan terjauh tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata. Berdasarkan data klimatologi, peningkatan suhu pada bulan Maret hingga Juli dapat memicu terjadi penyakit karang di kawasan Kepulauan Seribu.
Research on the abundance and distribution of coral disease has been implemented since June and July 2011 to determine the preliminary abundance of coral disease on several islands in the Thousand Islands, Jakarta. Observation method used was a 20m-belt transect with 1 m width to the left and right, and 3 replicates. Transects placed on the reef flat with a depth of 0–3 m, and a record number of infected colonies of BBD. The results show that type coral diseases of BBD found in many high coral covers and where Montipora sp dominant at that location. Generally, highest abundances found were at northern of Pramuka Island (0.15 col/m), eastern of Pari Island (0.092 col/m), Penjaliran Island (0.092 col/m), and Tikus Island (0.085 col/m). Statistical test by ANOVA obtained that abundance of BBD was significantly different between groups of study sites, i.e. the distance between the nearest and middle sites, and between the nearest and farthest distance from the mainland of Java Island (significantly difference with value respectively 0.030 and 0.025; confidence level 5%). Meanwhile, the sites between middle and farthest show no real difference. Based on climatological data, the increase in temperature in March and July could lead to coral diseases that occured in the thousand Islands region.
Research on the abundance and distribution of coral disease has been implemented since June and July 2011 to determine the preliminary abundance of coral disease on several islands in the Thousand Islands, Jakarta. Observation method used was a 20m-belt transect with 1 m width to the left and right, and 3 replicates. Transects placed on the reef flat with a depth of 0–3 m, and a record number of infected colonies of BBD. The results show that type coral diseases of BBD found in many high coral covers and where Montipora sp dominant at that location. Generally, highest abundances found were at northern of Pramuka Island (0.15 col/m), eastern of Pari Island (0.092 col/m), Penjaliran Island (0.092 col/m), and Tikus Island (0.085 col/m). Statistical test by ANOVA obtained that abundance of BBD was significantly different between groups of study sites, i.e. the distance between the nearest and middle sites, and between the nearest and farthest distance from the mainland of Java Island (significantly difference with value respectively 0.030 and 0.025; confidence level 5%). Meanwhile, the sites between middle and farthest show no real difference. Based on climatological data, the increase in temperature in March and July could lead to coral diseases that occured in the Thousand Islands region.
ISSN: 2089-8231
Appears in Collections:Marine Science And Technology

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