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Title: Anatomin Daerha Bahu dan Lengan Atas Landak Jawa (Hystrix javanica)
Authors: Supratikno
Agungpriyono, Srihadi
Harjo, Halim Bakti
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The study was aimed to observe the characteristic of javan porcupine shoulder and arm muscles and to compare with other animals which have similiarity on anatomy, phylogenetic, and behaviour. The study used two cadaver of javan porcupine that had been preserved in 10% formaline fixation. The muscles of shoulder and arm region were observed macroscopically include structure, origins and insertions after the skin was cut and opened. The results were photographed using a digital camera. Image were edited by using software Adobe Photoshop CS3® then named based on Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria 2012. The muscles found in shoulder and arm were the cutaneus, trapezius, rhomboideus, brachiocephalicus, latissimus dorsi, serratus ventralis, deltoideus, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres major, coracobrachialis, superficialis pectoral, deep pectoral, triceps brachii, tensor fascia antebrachii, m. brachialis, dan m. biceps brachii. The result showed that the muscles in javan porcupine were generally similar to dog and pangolin shoulder and arm muscles. However, there were differences in the muscles structure of the cutaneus, trapezius, serratus ventralis, and teres minor. The differences were presumed to be related with the adaptation to habitat, behavior, and their body.
Appears in Collections:UT - Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

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