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Title: Kualitas visual dan fungsional rumput golf Cynodon dactylon var Tifway yang diberi pupuk NPK pada media campuran pasir dan bentonit
Authors: aNasrullah, Nizar
Wulandari, Meta
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Golf is one of preferable sports that people do to maintain health. Golf course quality depends on the grass quality. Using the efficient fertilizer and the right growing media are the way to maintain the golf course grass quality. Therefore, the objectives of this research was to learn the visual and functional qualities of golf course grass Cynodon dactylon var Tifway that added with NPK fertilizer and sand with bentonite mixture and to suppose recommendation of the most appropriate and efficient fertilizer and growing media mixture composition. The experiment was arranged in factorial Randomized Block Design. The treatments consisted of two factor, NPK rate at 2.5 g/m2, 5 g/m2, and 10 g/m2; sand media 100 %, sand 87.5 % with bentonite 12.5 %, and sand 75% with bentonite 25%. The result showed that combination of highest NPK fertilizer dosage and media mixing of sand and bentonite created the best effect to visual quality (grass color) and functional qualities (grass height, yields, density). Combination NPK fertilizer dosage at 10 g N/m2/application and sand 87.5 % with bentonite 12.5 % was the recommendation of this research
Appears in Collections:UT - Landscape Architecture

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