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Title: Manajemen Panen dan Transportasi Kelapa Sawit di Sungai Bahaur Estate PT Windu Nabantindo Abadi, Kalimantan Tengah
Authors: Wachjar, Ade
Dhani, Syahrina Rahma
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The purpose in PT Windu Nabatindo Abadi, Bumitama Gunajaya Agro of the internship bas is learning about the management activity of oil palm plantation. The internship was conducted at Division 3 of Sungai Bahaur Estate (SBHE), PT Windu Nabatindo Abadi, Kotawaringin Timur, in Central Borneo Province from March until June 2014. The method used in internship process consists of technical and managerial aspects with observation of harvesting and transportation as the specific aspect. Technical aspects in the field was conducted at a time when the employee becomes a freelance daily for a month, managerial aspects done today to become the escort foreman for one month and companion assistant for two months. The observations indicate that harvest activities do less precise so as to make the harvest losses. Crop losses caused by the ripe harvest criteria, less precise by harvesters, shortage of labor, and factory capacity less. The harvester technical knowledge needed to be socialized so that the yield losses can be reduced.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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