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Title: Menghitung eksternalitas negatif masyarakat akibat pencemaran air laut di pesisir pantai merak - cilegon melalui aplikasi averting behaviour methods
Authors: Putri, Eka Intan Kumula
Kartiko, Briliyan Panji
Ahmeer, Sheanie Tyas
Sitaningtyas, Hirza
Syahbani, Erwa
Andrianto, Novi
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Abstract: An externality isthe effectreceived by some partiesas a result of economic activity, covering production, consumption and exchange, which made by the other party. One example which is currently happening on the Merak beach, Cilegon is a negative externality. Manufacturers which are suspected as the cause of the negative externalities are transportation industries which cause pollution to the sea and the shore of Merak. A method which is called Averting Behaviour Methods (ABM) can be used to calculate in a simple way of the loss caused by negative externalities from an economic activity which is faced by local community. Data was collected through interviews with fishermen, examining the contentand quality of water and then performed a simple calculation using ABM based on data which was collected. The results of this study indicated that there is plumbum (Pb) in water samples taken in the middle of the sea and this finding related to the complaints from local fishermen about the reduction of fish production, which is worth about 500 thousand - 1.2 million rupiahs.
Appears in Collections:PKM - Penelitian

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