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Title: Dampak pembangunan infrastruktur program nasional pemberdayaan masyarakat (pnpm) mandiri terhadap perkembangan umkm di kabupaten bogor
Authors: Triani, Sonya Puspa
Aulia, Manda Khairatul
Putri, Meilani
Purnamasari, Gina Fitria
Mufidah, Laili
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Abstract: Micro, small and medium enterprenuer (MSMEs) have important role in building economy and eradicate poverty. Many problems faced by MSMEs in providing stimulus to the government in order to accelerate Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri. This research is purpose to analyze development infrastructure impact (road) of PNPM Mandiri Rural to MSMEs. This study is collecting primary data from 30 MSMEs in Leuwisadeng Village, Bogor Regency on 2009 and 2012. Method used interviews approach with panel regression. The result is variables that significant affected business turnover is number of family members, profit, long effort, labour and dummy infrastructure.
Appears in Collections:PKM - Penelitian

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