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dc.contributor.advisorArtika, I Made
dc.contributor.authorFilya, Hana
dc.contributor.authorSeptiani, Aneisti
dc.contributor.authorS, Dhian Anugerah P
dc.description.abstractDurian bark (Durio zibethinus) was reported to have beneficial fitonutrients potentially functioning as antihyperglicemic. Based on the story of Indonesian, the flushing of white durian skin commonly drunk after eating durian fruit can decrease the dizzy allegedly due to too high glucose levels that cause hyperglycemia. The aims of this study were to determine the secondary metabolites, manganese and organosulfur in the skin durian extract and test their ability to inhibit α-glucosidase activity and to determine their antihiperglicemic activity in vivo. Durian skin was extracted using 70% ethanol, water, and n-hexane. The extracts were subjected to phytochemical analysis and determination of manganese and sulfur content. The α-glucosidase inhibition was detected spectrophotometrically based on reduced activity the enzyme to breakdown substrate p-nitrophenol-α-D-glucopyranoside. The most potent extract was used in the antihyperglicemic activity in vivo assays using white Wistar rats induced with 80% sucrose. The rats were divided into four groups. The first group received aquades treatment, the second group received acarbose treatment, the third group was treated with extract 50x10-3mg/gBB, and last group was treated with extract 100x10-3mg/gBB. The effect of the treatment on blood glucose levels was determined at various time intervals. The results of this study showed that the highest extract yield was the ethanol extract, 22.48%. The simplicia and extract contained alkaloid, flavonoid, and saponin. The n-hexane extract contained highest organosulfur content, 5.775 ppm and the highest manganese content was found in aquades extract, 56.9119 ppm. The inhibitory activity of the extract toward α-glucosidase inhibition was lower compared to that of the control (acarbose). The in vivo assays results indicated that the treatment with extract 50x10- 3mg/gBB in the third group could stabilize the blood glucose level while the the treatment 100x10-3mg/gBB in the last group elevated the blood glucose level.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University, Institut Pertanian Bogor
dc.titleAktivitas ekstrak kulit buah durian (durio zibethinus) sebagai inhibitor α-glukosidase in vitro dan antihiperglikemia pada tikus putihen
dc.subject.keyworddurian white barken
Appears in Collections:PKM - Penelitian

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