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Title: Keragaan dan Keragaman Mutan Tanaman Ubi Kayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Serta Pendugaan Heritabilitas
Authors: Khumaida, Nurul
Syukur, Muhamad
Dianasari, Mita
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Cassava is a potential crop for food, industry (food and feed), and bioenergy if developed suit with their characteristics. This research intended to identify the second generation (M1V2) cassava mutants from gamma ray irradiation. The irradiated cassava varieties are Ratim, UJ-5, and Malang-4. The result show that mutant variability appears on mutants plant performance (plant height, plant branching, tubers weight, number of tubers and economic tubers, cortex thickness and tuber qualitative characters). Variability in each genotype also appears on the tuber performance in this generation. Broad sense heritability estimation on number of tubers, number of economic tubers and cortex thickness were classified as high score and can used as third generation mutant selection criteria. The shelf life of cassava tubers depends on postharvest physiology deterioration (PPD) and marked by changes in water content and tuber discoloration, PPD occurs in almost all mutant genotype samples stored up to 21 days.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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