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Title: Produksi Bioflokulan dari Lumpur Aktif Industri untuk Air Sungai dan Air Limbah Industri
Authors: Suprihatin
Ayunisa, Wenny
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Bioflocculant is a natural flocculant from secretion product of microorganism that is polysaccharide, protein, glycoprotein, and nucleic acid. Source of bioflocculant used in this study is activated sludge from soy sauce industry PT. XXX. This study aims to analyze produce bioflocculant from industrial activated sludge with the isolation microb method and polysaccharide synthesis using acid method. The isolation microb method revealed that there are potential isolates that could floculate the suspension of kaolin by more than 60% in ten minutes which is isolates CMC-1 (78.36%). Isolate CMC-1 is identified as cellulolytic bacteria. Bioflocculant production using acid to catch polysaccharide resulted in only 53.92% flocculation effectivity but it is lower cost, more quickly, and easy to apply in industry. The selected bioflocculant is then tested for water and wastewater treatment. Research results showed the bioflocculant flocculation effectivity of 43.49% for river water and of 29.93% for wastewater. Addition of coagulant with specific dose can help bioflocculant increase flocculating effectivity.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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