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Title: Perubahan Kadar Histamin dan Bakteri Penghasil Histamin dari Pindang Badeng Tongkol (Auxis rochei) Selama Penyimpanan
Authors: Suwandi, Ruddy
Jacoeb, Agoes M
Fatuni, Yulian Syalviana
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Pindang is an intermediate moisture product which is highly perishable if its handling and processing are not sufficient. The deterioration caused by the activities of microbes and enzyme produce biogenic amine compounds. The compounds creates from decarboxilation of amino acids in fish. One of the biogenic amine compounds is histamine. The high accumulation of histamine in fish is harmfull if consumed. The objective of this research was to analyze the storage effect of the histamine content and histamine-producing bacteria from the boiled tuna (Auxis rochei). This research was conducted in December 2013 to April 2014. Fresh fish tuna obtained from one day fishing by mini purse seine in TPI Cisolok Palabuhanratu. This research was devided into two stages; the first stage was keeping fresh tuna in 0, 8, 16, 24, 32 hours as control and test of organoleptic, TPC, TVB and histamine levels. The second stage of the research composed of three steps. The first step was boling fish in 25% salt addition at different time (2, 5, and 8 hours), then histamine test and determination of bacterial count. The best results of the first step continued to the second step. The second step, boiled fish were storaged at room temperature in 0, 8, 16, 24, 32 hours and its organoleptic value, histamine, TPC and TVB were analyzed. Sample with highest histamine content were analyzed in step 3, in which the histamine-producing bacteria were selected and identified. The influence of pH, temperature and NaCl concentration to the bacterial growth, histamine production were determined. Each species of bacteria was inoculated in boiled fish and its bacterial count analyzed. The results showed that storaging of fresh fish at room temperature caused in increasing of histamine, TVB levels and microbial activity. The histamine level didn’t lose after boiling and its level were increase during storage at room temperature. Histamine level were increase after storage time 8 hours and was haighly different with fish without storage treatment (p<0.05). Its level continued until 32 hours storage time. Bacterial count increased significantly after 24 hours (p<0.05). Its TVB-level increased significantly at 8 hours storage time and continue until 32 hours storage time. Boiled fish at 32 hours storage time shown 6 bacterial isolate and were expected as P. vulgaris, H. alvei, M. morganii, E.aerogenes, K. oxytoca, K. pneumoniae. Test on the abbility of 6 bacterial isolate to form histamine shown that K. pneumoniae produced the highest histamin level (132 mg/kg), while H. Alvei formed the lowest histamine level (78 mg/kg).
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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