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Title: Amplifikasi Gen Bar dan Gen Hpt Terkait Stabilitas Padi Mutan Serta Evaluasi Karakter Agronominya
Authors: Suryani
Santoso, Tri Joko
Wahyuni, Netria
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Transposon Ac / Ds system containing an activation tagging constructs serves to develop a mutant plant that will produce changes in phenotype. This study aims to amplify the bar and hpt genes related to the stability of the mutant rice transposon Ac/Ds and observe the changes in phenotype based on the agronomy characters. Rice plant materials used for the study were six mutant T2 rice lines IR.64 (total 214 plants) and IR64 wild type rice as a control. The DNA of mutant plants was isolated and then amplified by PCR technique using primers specific for the bar and hpt genes. The results showed that the bar and hpt genes in the rice plant IR.64 mutant T2 with size were ± 700 bp and ± 600 bp. Evaluation of agronomic characters showed there were changes in these characters of mutant rice lines IR64 generation T2 that probably caused by the transposon insertion element containing 4x enhancer.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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