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dc.contributor.advisorSusila, Anas D.
dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Amelia
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh tingkat naungan dan dosis pupuk yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil pohpohan. Penelitian dilakukan di Pusat Kajian Hortikultura Tropika IPB, Tajur dari Maret sampai Juli 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT) 2 faktor. Faktor pertama merupakan tingkat naungan, N0 (tanpa naungan), N1 (naungan 55%) dan N2 (naungan 75%). Faktor kedua merupakan dosis pemupukan P1 (0 kg ha-1), P2 (50 kg ha-1), P3 (100 kg ha-1), P4 (150 kg ha-1) dan P5 (200 kg ha-1). Tanaman pohpohan dipupuk pada umur 3, 6 dan 8 MST (Minggu Setelah Tanam) dengan pupuk dosis NPK 15-15-15 (N 15%: P2O5 15%: K2O 15%). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa naungan 55% mampu meningkatkan tinggi tanaman dan diameter batang. Jumlah daun, jumlah cabang dan bobot layak pasar meningkat secara kuadratik pada pemberian dosis optimum. Pohpohan lebih baik apabila ditanam pada tingkat naungan 55% dengan dosis pupuk 88.3 to 104.5 kg ha-1.en
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to find out the optimum percentage of shading and fertilizer rate on pohpohan. The research was conducted at Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies IPB, Tajur from March until July 2013. This research was arranged in a Randomized Completely Block Design 2 factors. The first factor was a level of shade, N0 (no shade), N1 (55% shade) and N2 (75% shade). The second factor was rate of fertilizer, at rates of P1 (0 kg ha-1), P2 (50 kg ha-1), P3 (100 kg ha-1), P4 (150 kg ha-1) dan P5 (200 kg ha-1). Pohpohan were fertilized in 3, 6 and 8 weeks after planting with NPK 15-15-15 (N 15%: P2O5 15%: K2O 15%). Result of the research showed that 55% shades increased the plant height and diameter of stem. Number of leaves, number of branches and of marketable yield were quadratically increased with fertilizer application. Poh-pohan plants prefered growing at shade 55% with NPK fertilization 88.3 to 104.5 kg ha-1. Key words: fertilizer, growth, indigenous vegetable, Pilea trinervia, shadingen
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleInteraksi intensitas naungan dan dosis pemupukan pada pertumbuhan dan hasil pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight.)en
dc.title.alternativeInteraction of shade intensity and fertilization rate on growth and harvest of pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight)en
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen
dc.subject.keywordPilea trinerviaen
dc.subject.keywordsayuran indigenousen
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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