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Title: Aktivitas Antiproliferasi Berbagai Tanaman pada Sel MCF-7 dan Kajian Korelasi Aktivitas dengan Profil Spektrum Inframerahnya
Authors: Darusman, Latifah K
Wahyuni, Wulan Tri
Riyandari, Baiq Amelia
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Herbal plants have been used as anticancer for low-cost treatment with minimum side effects for human. The objective of this study is to analyze toxicity leaves of mulberry (Morus alba), salam (Syzygium polyanthum), rumput mutiara (Oldenlandia corymbosa), avocado (Persea americana), mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia), pacing (Costus speciosus), jarong (Stachytarpheta indica), dadap, and huni (Antidesma bunius), and to determine correlation between antiproliferation activities in MCF-7 cells produced by best extracts and their infrared profiles. Toxicity assay using brine shrimp lethality test showed that mulberry methanol extract, rumput mutiara ethanol extract, and dadap ethanol extract showed low LC50 values of 134 μg/mL, 22 μg/mL, and 152 μg/mL, respectively. Proliferation assay in MCF-7 cells did not show positive correlation between concentration of extracts and inhibition percent, therefore the IC50 values could not be determined. Correlation analysis using PLS technique showed that correlation between infrared spectra and percent inhibition of extracts revealed low R2 valueswith high RMSEC and RMSEP values.
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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