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Title: Uji cepat residu insektisida organofosfat dan organoklorin dengan alat multimeter digital
Other Titles: Rapid test for organophosphate and organochlorine insecticide residues with digital multimeter
Authors: Suparto, Irma H
Ardiwinata, Asep Nugraha
Nirwan, Lalu Mohamad
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Abstract: Pengembangan metode untuk pemantauan residu pestisida di lapangan yang cepat, akurat, serta murah sangat dibutuhkan, salah satunya dengan alat multimeter digital. Metode pengujian ini berdasarkan adanya perbedaan tahanan arus yang dimiliki oleh berbagai bahan aktif. Nilai hasil pengujian standar dan contoh divalidasi dengan beberapa parameter, yaitu linearitas, ketepatan, ketelitian, dan batas deteksi. Validasi metode yang dilakukan pada insektisida klorpirifos, diazinon, dan diklorvos dari golongan organofosfat serta DDT, aldrin, dan heptaklor dari golongan organoklorin dalam contoh sayuran bawang merah, cabai merah, dan kubis, memberikan ketelitian dan batas deteksi yang cukup baik. Akan tetapi, linearitas dan ketepatannya masih kurang baik. Berdasarkan hasil ini, metode analisis residu pestisida dalam sayuran dengan bantuan multimeter digital berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai metode pengujian, dengan melakukan beberapa perbaikan pada tahap ekstraksi contoh. Kata kunci: multimeter digital, organofosfat, organoklorin, pestisida, validasi
Development of rapid, acurate, and affordable method for monitoring of insecticide residues in the field is a need, for example is by using digital multimeter. This testing method is based on the various current resistance of the active components. Testing results of pesticide standards and samples were validated by several parameters, namely linearity, accuracy, precision, and limit of detection. The method validation performed on chlorpyrifos, diazinone, and dichlorvos from the organophospate group as well as DDT, aldrine, and heptachlor from the organochlorine group in onion, chilli, and cabbage, gave good results for precision and limit of detection. However, the linearity and accuracy were still below the acceptable requirements. These results show that the analytical method of pesticide residues in vegetables by means of a digital multimeter has the potential to be used as a test method, by improving the extraction phase of samples. Key words: digital multimeter, organochlorine, organophosphate, pesticide, validation
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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