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Title: Bioplastik komposit pati tapioka terplastisasi sorbitol, natrium alginat, dan limonena
Other Titles: Bioplastic composite of tapioca starch plastisized with sorbitol, sodium alginate and limonene
Authors: Kemala, Tetty
Sjahriza, Ahmad
Agusta, Karina Dania
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Abstract: Bioplastik dapat dibuat dari bahan dasar pati dan protein. Bioplastik berbahan dasar pati memiliki keuntungan, yaitu harga yang relatif murah dan mudah didapat dibandingkan protein. Akan tetapi, bioplastik berbahan dasar pati lebih rapuh, sehingga diperlukan bahan tambahan untuk mengatasi kerapuhan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat dan mencirikan bioplastik komposit dari pati tapioka terplastisasi sorbitol, natrium alginat, dan limonena berdasarkan perbedaan komposisinya. Bioplastik dengan tambahan limonena 2.5% memiliki nilai elongasi, kuat tarik, dan bobot jenis yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan bioplastik dengan tambahan limonena 5.0%, 7.5%, dan 10.0%. Penambahan limonena juga menurunkan nilai permeabilitas uap air. Bioplastik dengan komposisi natrium alginat:limonena:sorbitol (10.0:2.5:7.5) lebih stabil terhadap panas yang ditunjukkan dengan suhu leleh lebih tinggi dibandingkan bioplastik dengan komposisi (7.5:2.5:10.0). Pada analisis morfologi, komponen penyusun bioplastik dengan komposisi (7.5:2.5:10.0) terdistribusi merata pada matriks bioplastik yang didukung dengan terdapatnya puncak suhu leleh tunggal pada termogram.
Bioplastic can be made of different sources such as starches and proteins. The benefits of bioplastic starch-based are relatively low cost and easily obtained. The disadvantage of starch-based bioplastic is brittle. In this experiment, sodium alginate, limonene and sorbitol were added to overcome that problem. The objectives of this study are to synthesis and characterize the bioplastic made of tapioca starch plastisized with sorbitol, sodium alginate and limonene based on the various compositions. The addition of limonene 2.5% result in highest elongation, tensile strength, and density as compared to compositions (5.0%, 7.5%, and 10.0%). The addition limonene also decreased water vapour permeability. Bioplastic composition of sodium alginate:limonene:sorbitol (10.0:2.5:7.5) has more heat stability than that of the composition of (7.5:2.5:10.0) which showing a higher melting point. Morphology analysis showed that the bioplastic composition of (7.5:2.5:10.0) distributed evenly on the matrix of bioplastics as supported by a single melting point peak on the thermogram. Keywords: bioplastic, limonene, sodium alginate, sorbitol, starch
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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