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dc.contributor.advisorAchsani, Noer Azam
dc.contributor.advisorWiliasih, Ranti
dc.contributor.authorSangidi, Wulandari
dc.description.abstractMekanisme perubahan kebijakan moneter hingga memengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan laju inflasi disebut sebagai mekanisme transmisi kebijakan moneter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis peran bank syariah dalam mekanisme transmisi moneter di Indonesia dan mengidentifikasi efek instrumen moneter syariah terhadap output dan inflasi melalui jalur pembiayaan bank syariah dengan metode VECM. Penelitian ini menggunakan data bulanan periode Januari 2004 hingga Maret 2008 untuk alur transmisi kebijakan moneter Sertifikat Wadiah Bank Indonesia (SWBI) dan periode April 2008 hingga Desember 2013 untuk alur transmisi kebijakan moneter Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS), pengolahan data dilakukan secara terpisah untuk membedakan SWBI dan SBIS. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK), Indeks Produksi Industri (IPI), total DPK dan Pembiayaan bank Syariah, Imbal Hasil PUAS, bonus SWBI, dan fee SBIS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbankan syariah memiliki peran penting dalam transmisi kebijakan moneter di Indonesia. Selain itu, terdapat hubungan antara sektor moneter dengan sektor riil pada penggunaan instrumen moneter SWBI namun, instrumen moneter SWBI belum efektif memengaruhi laju inflasi. Instrumen moneter SBIS tidak memberikan pengaruh apapun terhadap pertumbuhan output dan laju inflasi.en
dc.description.abstractMechanism of monetary policy changes to affect economic growth and the inflation rate is known as the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The objectives of this research are to analyze the roles of Islamic banks in the monetary transmission mechanism in Indonesia and to identify the effects of Islamic monetary instrument to output and inflation through islamic bank lending channel by using the VECM method. This research utilizes monthly data from the period January 2004 – March 2008 for the transmission channel of monetary policy Sertifikat Wadiah Bank Indonesia (SWBI) and period April 2008 – December 2013 for the transmission channel of monetary policy Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS), data processing is done separately to distinguish SWBI dan SBIS. Variables which are used by this study are Consumer Price Index (CPI), Industrial Production Index (IPI), total third party funds, Islamic bank financing, yield PUAS, bonus SWBI, and fee SBIS. The results shows that Islamic banking has an important role in the transmission of monetary policy in Indonesia. Furthermore, there is a relationship between the monetary sector with the real sector on monetary instruments SWBI. However, SWBI monetary instrument is not effectively influence the rate of inflation. SBIS monetary instrument is doesn‟t give any influence on the growth rate of output and inflation.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University
dc.titleEfektivitas mekanisme transmisi moneter melalui jalur pembiayaan bank syariah di indonesiaen
dc.title.alternativeEffectiveness of the monetary transmission mechanism through islamic bank financing channel in indonesiaen
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen
dc.subject.keywordTransmisi kebijakan moneteren
dc.subject.keywordInstrumen moneter syariahen
dc.subject.keywordPembiayaan bank syariahen
dc.subject.keywordVector Error Correction Model (VECM)en
Appears in Collections:UT - Economics and Development Studies

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