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Title: Analisis Bioekonomi Perikanan Selar Kuning (Selaroides leptolepis) di Perairan Kepulauan Seribu (Studi kasus: Pulau Sebira)
Authors: Fauzi, Akhmad
Sapanli, Kastana
Cahyono, Muhammad Dimas
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The objectives of this research are to analyze the rate of resource utilization of yellow stripe trevally and to identify the fishing condition of yellow stripe trevally in Seribu Islands Waters. Analytical approach was used bioeconomic. Bioeconomic analysis using Gordon-Schaefer model approach. The catch of MEY (h) are 252.55 tons/year and 262.57 tons/year (corrected), the effort (E) are 296 units/year and 316 units/year (corrected), and the economic rent are Rp 1 107 836 870.41/year and Rp 1 148 455 473.10/year (corrected). The catch of MSY are 253.28 tons/year and 263.37 tons/year (corrected), the effort are 313 units/year and 334 units/year (corrected), and the economic rent are Rp 1 104 299 755.93/year and Rp 1 144 576 614.31/year (corrected). The catch of OA are 51.29 tons/year and 54.69 tons/year (corrected), the effort are 593 units/year and 632 units/year (corrected), and the economic rent are not obtained or zero. The catch on the actual condition are 168.26 tons/year and 193.09 tons/year (corrected), the effort are 396 units/year and 396 units/year (corrected), and the economic rent are Rp 654 088 133.67/year and Rp 775 342 675.25/year (corrected). Based on the outcome of bioeconomic analysis, the actual fishing condition in Seribu Islands Waters has not experienced overfishing. The best suggestion for policy makers to overcome the situation is increasing number of legal fishing gear. The outcome of MEY (optimum) and MSY (sustainable) analysis can be used as references for policy makers to considerate in create the suitable policy.
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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