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Title: Pencirian bioplastik tepung singkong dengan penambahan natrium alginat, selulosa, dan limonena
Other Titles: Bioplastic characterization of cassava starch with addition of sodium alginate, cellulose, and limonene
Authors: Kemala, Tetty
Sjahriza, Ahmad
Ratnasari, Evi
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Abstract: Penggunaan plastik sintetik meningkat setiap tahunnya, namun plastik yang beredar menghasilkan limbah yang sulit terurai sehingga dibuat plastik yang ramah lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini, bioplastik dibuat dengan paduan tepung singkong dan gliserol dengan nisbah komposisi 75:5 serta beragam konsentrasi natrium alginat, limonena dan selulosa. Bioplastik yang dihasilkan dianalisis bobot jenis, sifat mekanik, permeabilitas uap air, sifat termal, dan morfologi permukaannya. Penggunaan natrium alginat dan selulosa meningkatkan kuat tarik dan bobot jenis. Limonena hasil ekstraksi kulit jeruk meningkatkan elongasi bioplastik dan menurunkan permeabilitas uap air. Analisis termal dengan kalorimeter pemayaran diferensial menghasilkan nilai titik leleh yang meningkat dengan tambahan natrium alginat. Bioplastik yang dihasilkan memiliki morfologi permukaan yang homogen.
There is high demand of sintetic plastic production each year, but the use of plastic produces non biodegradable wastes. Therefore, biodegradable plastics can be an alternative solution to overcome the problem in relating with the need of environmentally friendly plastics. Theaim of this study was to characterized bioplastics made of cassava starch with addition of sodium alginate, cellulose, and limonene. Bioplastics were made of composit of cassava starch and gliserol (75:5) and various concentrations of sodium alginate: limonen:celullose. The analysis of density, mechanical properties, thermal analysis, water vapour permeability and morfology were conducted for the biodegradable plastics. The results showed that sodium alginate and celullose increased the tensile strength and density. Limonene extracted from orange peels increased percentage of elongation and the thickness, also decrease the water vapour permeability. Thermal analysis using differential scanning calorimeter showed that sodium alginate addition increased the melting point and it indicated interaction among constituents. The surface morfology of bioplastics composite in thies study showed homogenous character. Keyword: bioplastic, cellulose, limonene, sodium alginate
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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