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Title: Koleksi Hymenoptera Parasitoid dengan Kombinasi Jaring Serangga dan Separator
Authors: Maryana, Nina
Iriani, Agustin
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Hymenoptera Order have an important role in agriculture as natural enemies or parasitoid insects. This study aims to collect hymenopteran parasitoid with insect net and separator. Insects were collected from two different sites, i.e. the forest stand area in IPB Dramaga campus and the rice field area at Cangkurawok, Bogor Regency. The sample was collected in three times-sampling at different spot. In each location, the insect were collected at three different site. At each site, 360 double sweep using sweep net were performed. The insects caught in the sweep net poured into the separator. Furthermore, each Hymenoptera Order insect was identified to family level in the Insects Biositematics Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. Two dominant insect order collected were Diptera and Hymenoptera. The number of Hymenoptera insects collected in the forest stand area and rice field were 1 556 and 2 133 respectively with a total of 21 families of hymenopteran parasitoid insects. Small size parasitoid insects such as Mymarommatidae, Tricho-grammatidae, Mymaridae, and Scelionidae were also collected.
Appears in Collections:UT - Plant Protection

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