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dc.contributor.authorIsmail, Ahyar
dc.contributor.authorKumala, Eka Intan
dc.description.abstractPemerintah dalam upaya meningkatkan pendapatan petani, menetapkan kebijakan harga dasar atau HPP menjelang panen raya. Agar HPP efektif, selain pada ketepatan waktu, penetapan kebijakan HPP ini sangat tergantung pada mekanisme pembelian GKP dan GKG dari petani oleh Bulog/Dolog. Keterlambatan pengambilan kebijakan menyebabkan HPP cenderung dinikmati pedagang pengumpul dan pabrik penggilingan beras, proaktif membeli GKP dan GKG langsung dari petani.Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan dan penawaran beras dalam kebijakan HPP gabah nasional, serta mengkaji efektivitas kebijakan HPP gabah di tingkat petani Cianjur. Secara ekonomi, respon harga riil gabah tingkat petani terhadap perubahan HPP dan produksi padi bersifat elastis dalam jangka panjang. Permintaan beras dipengaruhi oleh harga beras, jumlah penduduk, dan permintaan beras t-1. Respon permintaan beras terhadap perubahan jumlah penduduk adalah elastic. Simulasi peramalan terhadap peningkatan HPP gabah 9.54% dan 15% menyebabkan surplus petani padi meningkat masing-masing Rp 163.512.309 dan Rp 257.292.128. Hasil analisis efektifitas, kebijakan HPP di Cianjur kurang efektif dikarenakan harga gabah/beras di tingkat lokal melebihi HPP karena kualitas beras Cianjur lebih dikenal beras dengan kualitas premium.en
dc.description.abstractTo increase income of Indonesia’s farmer, Government assigned a base price policy or HPP’s policy before the harvesting day. To be effective, the policy of HPP is also depend on the purchases mechanism of GKP/GKG from farmers by Bulog. Decision lag of HPP’s policy tend to be enjoyed by collectors and rice mill enterprises, which has been proactive to directly buy GKP/GKG from farmers. This study analyzes factors affecting demand and supply of rice due to HPP’s policy and examines the effectiveness of HPP in Cianjur. The economica lly, the response of rice real price at farmers’ level towards the changes of real price of government purchases and rice production is elastic. Demand of rice is significantly influenced by the price of rice, population, and demand for rice at t-1. The increasing of HPP on grain at 9.54 % and 15 % lead to the increasing of rice farmers’ surplus IDR 163,512,309 and IDR 257,292,128. The results of the effectiveness analysis, HPP’s policy in Cianjur Region is less effective due to the price of rice at the loca l level exceeds the HPP, the reason is the quality of rice Cianjur known as the premium quality rice.en
dc.publisherbogor agricultural university
dc.titleDampak kebijakan dan efektivitas hpp gabah/beras Terhadap kesejahteraan petani indonesiaen
dc.title.alternativeProsiding Seminar Hasil-Hasil Penelitian IPB 2011en
dc.subject.keywordHarga Pembelian Pemerintahen
dc.subject.keywordPanen Rayaen
dc.subject.keywordSurplus Petanien
Appears in Collections:Research Proceeding

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