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Title: Minyak atsiri rimpang, batang, dan daun temu hitam (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.) sebagai antibakteri Streptococcus mutans dan pendegradasi biofilm pada gigi
Other Titles: Essential oil of temu hitam (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.)„s rhizomes, stems, and leaves as antibacterial toward Streptococcus mutans and biofilm degradator on teeth
Authors: Batubara, Irmanida
Wahyuni, Wulan Tri
Tambunan, Devi Yusnita S.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Abstract: Rimpang temu hitam banyak digunakan sebagai antibakteri. Penelitian ini membandingkan kemampuan minyak atsiri rimpang, batang, dan daun temu hitam sebagai antibakteri Streptococcus mutans dan pendegradasi biofilm pada gigi menggunakan metode mikrodilusi. Minyak atsiri diisolasi dengan distilasi uap. Potensi antibakteri terbaik adalah minyak rimpang KHM=konsentrasi hambat minimum=15.63 μg/mL dan KBM=konsentrasi bunuh minimum=1000 μg/mL. KHM rimpang sama dengan tetrasiklin. Setelah difraksionasi dengan kolom maupun kromatografi lapis tipis preparatif, KHM dan KBMnya tidak lebih baik. Senyawa 2,2,5-trimetil-2‟(H)-5‟-6‟-dihidropirano[3‟,4‟,g]indan-1-on diduga paling berperan sebagai antibakteri S. mutans. Kemampuan degradasi biofilm minyak atsiri kasar temu hitam kurang kuat. Minyak atsiri batang lebih baik mendegradasi biofilm (IC50=1347 μg/mL) daripada rimpang dan daun. Setelah difraksionasi, beberapa fraksi minyak atsiri rimpang (F1, F2, dan F3) lebih baik kemampuan degradasinya tetapi IC50 lebih tinggi dari klorheksidin.
Rhizomes of temu hitam are widely used as antibacterial. This research compare the potency of essential oil of rhizomes, stems, and leaves of temu hitam as antibacterial toward Streptococcus mutans and biofilm degradator on teeth. The essential oil was isolated by steam distillation. Rhizome‟s essential oil showed good potency as antibacterial with MIC=minimum inhibition concentration=15.63 μg/ml and MBC=minimum bactericidal concentration=1000 μg/ml. MIC of rhizome was same with tetracycline. MIC and MBC of rhizome‟s essential oil was smaller than fraction of column and preparative thin layer chromatography. The 2,2,5-trimethyl-2‟(H)-5‟-6‟-dihydropyrano[3‟,4‟,g]indan-1-one give better potency as antibacterial toward S. mutans. Essential oil of temu hitam was not stronger as biofilm degradator. Stem‟s essential oil was the better essential oil (IC50=1347 μg/mL) to degradate biofilm than rhizome and leave‟s essential oil, but some of fraction of rhizome‟s essential oil (F1, F2, and F3) have better potency than stem‟s essential oil but the IC50 was higher than chlorhexidine. Keywords: Antibacterial, biofilm degradator, essential oil, Streptococcus mutans
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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