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Title: Ibm kelompok tani hutan kopi, desa warga jaya Kecamatan sukamakmur, kabupaten bogor, jawa barat
Other Titles: Prosiding Seminar Hasil-Hasil Penelitian IPB 2011
Authors: Wachjar, Ade
Kurniawati, Ani
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: bogor agricultural university
Abstract: Budidaya kopi oleh Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Desa Warga Jaya, Kecamatan Sukamakmur umumnya masih dilakukan secara tradisional, yaitu minim input bahkan tanpa input. Luas lahan dan jumlah kepemilikan pohon per petani relatif sedikit. Jenis kopi yang banyak ditanam adalah kopi robusta. Tingkat penguasaan teknologi budidaya kopi umumnya masih rendah dan kurang modal untuk pembelian sarana produksi pertanian. Kopi sebagian besar dijual kepada pengumpul dalam bentuk buah kopi atau gelondongan tanpa proses pengolahan yang berarti oleh petani. Upaya yang telah dilakukan dalam pembinaan petani bersifat kemitraan, terdiri dari penyuluhan, pembuatan petak pamer tanaman kopi pola multistrata, dan rehabilitasi kebun dengan toping. Petak pamer yang telah dibuat adalah kebun kopi multistrata seluas 2000 m2 yang terbagi pada dua ketinggian dan petak pamer tanaman kopi yang direhabilitasi sejumlah 200 pohon. Pertumbuhan vegetatif kopi dari tunas baru hasil rehabilitasi menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang sangat cepat setelah 2 bulan setelah toping dan dapat mengejar pertumbuhan tanaman kopi baru pada 4 bulan setelah toping. Produksi kopi kedua petak pamer tersebut masih terus dilakukan pengamatan hingga tanaman kopi masuk fase produktif
The pattern of cultivation by planting various kinds of plants with different canopy height strata pattern is the ideal agricultural commodities in the capture of solar light, optimizing use of space to grow, and maintain forest functions as a water conservation area. Thus the pattern of these cultivation is the right choice to improve the welfare of farmers and keep ecological functions of forests. Sukamakmur subdistrict is one district in Bogor Regency which was developed as small farmers coffee plantation. In Sukamakmur subdistrict, there is a ‘Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan Puncak Mandiri’ who shelter under ‘Kepala Rayon Pemangkuan Hutan’ (KRPH) of Jonggol and included in the shade ‘Kepala Pemangkuan Hutan’ (KPH) of Bogor Cultivation of coffee by the Forest Farmers Group (KTH) Desa Warga Jaya, District Sukamakmur generally still done traditionally. The cultivation using minimal input or without input. Most farmer have small land area and relatively little number of trees. Types are widely grown coffee is robusta coffee. Cultivation technique is generally still low and less capital to purchase agricultural inputs. Most of the coffee sold directly to collectors in the form of coffee fruit or logs without post-harvest processing. Efforts have been made in coaching is a partnership of farmers, consisting of counseling, making plots show patterns multistrata coffee plants, and rehabilitation with toping. Plots show has been created is a coffea area of 2000 m2 multistrata that divided in two heights and plots show that rehabilitated a number of coffee plants 200 trees. Vegetative growth of new shoots coffee rehabilitation results show a very rapid growth after 2 months after toping and may pursue a new coffee plant growth at 4 months after toping. Coffee production both plots show off it continues to be observed until the coffee plant into the productive phase.
Appears in Collections:Research Proceeding

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