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Title: Keanekaragaman dan pola sebaran spesies tumbuhan asing invasif di cagar alam bojonglarang jayanti cianjur
Other Titles: Diversity and distribution patterns of invasive alien plant species in bojonglarang jayanti nature reserve cianjur
Authors: Hikmat, Agus
Hilwan, Iwan
Arifian, Muhammad Ahda Agung
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Abstract: Cagar Alam Bojonglarang Jayanti adalah salah satu kawasan konservasi yang diduga diinvasi oleh spesies tumbuhan asing. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung keanekaragaman dan mengidentifikasi pola sebaran spesies tumbuhan asing invasif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan analisis vegetasi metode kombinasi jalur dan garis berpetak pada vegetasi hutan, dan metode petak ganda pada vegetasi padang rumput. Hasil analisis vegetasi di hutan dataran rendah primer teridentifikasi 2 spesies tumbuhan asing invasif yang termasuk ke dalam 2 famili, di vegetasi hutan pantai teridentifikasi 11 spesies tumbuhan asing invasif yang termasuk ke dalam 8 famili, di vegetasi hutan dataran rendah sekunder teridentifikasi 13 spesies tumbuhan asing invasif yang termasuk ke dalam 9 famili, dan di vegetasi padang rumput teridentifikasi 10 spesies tumbuhan asing invasif yang termasuk ke dalam 8 famili. Secara umum pola sebaran tumbuhan asing invasif berdasarkan indeks Morisita adalah mengelompok (clumped).
Bojonglarang Jayanti Nature Reserve is one of the conservation area that is supposed getting inveded by alien plant species. The purpose of this research is to counting diversity and identify distribution patterns of invasive alien plant species. Data was collected by vegetation analysis with squared track and line combination method in forest vegetation, and quadrat method in savanna vegetation. The result of vegetation analysis in primary lowlands forest vegetation was identified 2 invasive alien plant species that belong to 2 families, in coastal forest was identified 11 invasive alien plant species that belong to 8 families, in secondary lowlands forest was identified 13 invasive alien plant species that belong to 9 families, and in savanna vegetation was identified 10 invasive alien plant species that belong to 8 families. Generally, the distribution patterns of invasive alien plant species based on Morisita index was clumped.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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