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Title: Ciri limbah pemanenan kayu di hutan rawa gambut tropika
Other Titles: Characteristics of logging waste in tropical peat swamp forest
Authors: Suwarna, Ujang
Matangaran, Juang Rata
Issue Date: Apr-2013
Citation: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (JIPI), April 2013 Vol. 18 (1): 61-65
Abstract: Effectiveness of timber harvesting in peat swamp forest is low. It is indicated by highly logging waste caused by timber harvesting operation. Thus, logging waste should be studied to describe characteristic and volume of logging waste in locations of compartment, landing, skidding track, and hauling road. The waste can be in the form of stumps, stems, and branches with diameter above 30 cm. Data of the waste was collected from 6 sample plots consisted of 3 plots in mechanized plots and 3 plots in traditional plots. Most of the waste found in location of compartment that caused by felling activities. Average volume of waste in traditional plots was 7.81 m3/ha that was found in location of compartment. The average volume of waste in the mechanized plots was 19.75 m3/ha, consisted of 16.90 m3/ha (85.57%) in location of compartment and 2.85 m3/ha (14.43%) in landing point. Logging waste can be minimized by providing appropriate training regularly and increase techniques of timber harvesting in the field.
Efektivitas kegiatan pemanenan hutan rawa gambut masih tergolong rendah. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh besarnya limbah kayu yang timbul akibat kegiatan pemanenan hutan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan mengevaluasi volume dan ciri limbah kayu yang terjadi akibat kegiatan pemanenan kayu di petak tebang, jalan sarad, tempat pengumpulan sementara (TPn), dan jalan angkut. Limbah dalam penelitian ini berupa tunggak, batang bebas cabang, batang di atas cabang, dan dahan berdiameter sedikitnya 30 cm. Data diambil pada 6 plot contoh penelitian (PCP) berukuran (100 x 100) m2. Pengukuran 3 PCP dilakukan pada petak manual dan 3 PCP lainnya pada petak mekanis. Limbah pemanenan kayu sebagian besar terjadi di petak tebang. Volume limbah rata-rata pada petak manual sebesar 7,81 m3/ha dan semua limbah tersebut berada di petak tebang. Volume limbah rata-rata pada petak mekanis, yaitu 19,75 m3/ha, terdiri atas limbah di petak tebang 16,90 m3/ha (85,57%) dan di TPn 2,85 m3/ha (14,43%). Limbah kayu tersebut dapat diminimumkan dengan cara melakukan pelatihan berkala dan memperbaiki teknik pemanenan kayu.
ISSN: 0853 – 4217
Appears in Collections:Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia

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