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Title: Pemulihan stok dan restorasi habitat teripang: Status ekosistem lamun di lokasi restocking pulau pramuka Dan pulau kelapa dua, kepulauan seribu, jakarta
Other Titles: Restocking and Habitat Restoration of Sea Cucumbers: Status of Seagrass Ecosystem at the Restocking Sites in Pramuka and Kelapa Dua Islands, Kepulauan Seribu, jakarta
Authors: Taurusman, Am Azbas
Issue Date: Apr-2013
Citation: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (JIPI), April 2013 Vol. 18 (1): 15
Abstract: Global fish stock has been significantly declined over the past 3 decades, especially in coastal waters. Over-exploitation of fish resources and habitat destruction has been considered playing important role in declining the fish stock. This study was conducted to restore sea cucumbers stock in Pulau Seribu. A base line study was needed to evaluate the status of seagrass ecosystems in restocking locations. The results showed there were 8 seagrass species identified in both study sites, covering 065% area, consisted of 20.45 ± 11.28% in Pulau Pramuka and 6.00 ± 6.56% in Pulau Kelapa Dua, respectively. Seagrass ecosystem in Pulau Pramuka indicated better condition than that in Pulau Kelapa Dua and statistically was significantly different (global R = 0.193; p < 0.001). However, to support the restocking efforts of sea cucumbers, the seagrass habitat in both locations need to be restored.
Secara global, stok ikan tangkapan cenderung menurun selama 3 dasawarsa terakhir, khususnya di perairan pesisir. Pemanfaatan berlebihan (over exploitation) dan kerusakan habitat sumber daya ikan merupakan 2 faktor penyebab utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan memulihkan stok (restocking) sumber daya perikanan teripang di Kepulauan Seribu. Upaya ini diawali dengan mengevaluasi status ekosistem lamun di lokasi restocking teripang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 8 spesies lamun yang ditemukan di kedua lokasi studi dengan persen penutupan 065%, masing-masing 20,45 ± 11,28% di Pulau Pramuka dan 6,00 ± 6,56% di Pulau Kelapa Dua. Kondisi ekosistem lamun di lokasi Pulau Pramuka relatif lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang di Pulau Kelapa Dua dan berbeda sangat nyata secara statistik (global R = 0,193; p < 0,001). Namun, untuk mendukung upaya pemulihan stok teripang, habitat lamun di kedua lokasi perlu direstorasi.
ISSN: 0853 – 4217
Appears in Collections:Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia

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