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Title: Pengaruh tingkat kemasakan buah, metode ekstraksi buah, metode Pengeringan, jenis kemasan, dan lama penyimpanan pada mutu benih Jarak pagar (jatropha curcas)
Other Titles: The effect of fruit maturity level, fruit extraction method, drying Method, packaging type, and storage duration on seeds quality of Jatropha (jatropha curcas)
Authors: Surahman, Memen
Murniati, Endang
Nisya, Fifin Nashirotun
Issue Date: Aug-2012
Citation: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, Agustus 2012, hlm. 1-7 Vol. 18 (2): 7378
Abstract: Provision of jatropha (Jatropha curcas) seeds along with providing high yielding varieties, is needed to ensure high seed quality. This experiment aimed to observe the pattern of jatropha seed treatment, namely the effect of fruit maturity, fruit extraction methods, seed drying, seed packaging type, and storage duration of seed on the seeds quality. The experiment was conducted from June to November 2011. Jatropha plants used as sources of seeds were obtained from jatropha plantations PT Indocement Tunggal, Tbk, Citeureup, Bogor. Seed handling experiments was conducted at the Seed Technology Laboratory, IPB. The results showed that the level of fruit maturity did not significantly affect the moisture content of seeds, the seeds germination and speed of seedlings growth, but it was significantly affect the dry weight of seed, dry weight of normal seedling, and oil content. The fruit extraction affected the time of peeling, duration of seed sortage, amount of impurities and the extent of seed damage, but it was not significantly affect the seed germination. The seed drying did not significantly affect the seed germination. The length of storage that can retain up to 51% seed germination during 3 months storage was the seed that have been stored in earthen barrel.
Upaya pengadaan benih unggul jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas) selain perakitan varietas unggul diperlukan guna menyediakan dan menjamin mutu benih hingga siap tanam yang dapat diterapkan oleh perusahaan benih maupun petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari teknologi pembenihan jarak pagar, yaitu pengaruh tingkat kemasakan buah, metode ekstraksi buah, metode pengeringan benih, jenis kemasan benih, dan lama penyimpanan benih pada mutu benih jarak pagar. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai November 2011. Tanaman jarak pagar yang digunakan sebagai sumber benih berasal dari kebun PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk, Citeureup, Bogor. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Teknologi Benih Leuwikopo, IPB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemasakan buah tidak berpengaruh nyata pada kadar air biji, daya berkecambah benih dan kecepatan tumbuh benih, akan tetapi tingkat kemasakan buah berpengaruh nyata pada bobot kering benih dan bobot kering kecambah normal. Metode ekstraksi buah berpengaruh pada waktu pengupasan, lama sortasi benih, jumlah kotoran, dan tingkat kerusakan benih, akan tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata pada daya berkecambah benih. Metode pengeringan benih tidak berpengaruh nyata pada daya berkecambah benih. Lama penyimpanan yang dapat mempertahankan daya berkecambah hingga 51% selama penyimpanan 3 bulan adalah penyimpanan dengan jenis kemasan gentong dari tanah.
ISSN: 0853 – 4217
Appears in Collections:Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia

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