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Title: Model pemberdayaan petani dalam mewujudkan Desa mandiri dan sejahtera (kajian kebijakan dan sosial ekonomi tentang Ketahanan pangan pada komunitas desa rawan pangan Di jawa)
Other Titles: Prosiding Seminar Hasil-Hasil Penelitian IPB 2009
Authors: Sumarti, Titik
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Masalah ketahanan pangan dan juga masalah kemiskinan pada hakikatnya merupakan masalah pembangunan masyarakat pedesaan. Sehingga arah pembangunan ketahanan pangan seharusnya difokuskan pada upaya-upaya untuk memberdayakan dan mensejahterakan masyarakat di pedesaan, khususnya keluarga (rumahtangga) petani gurem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Berdasarkan indikator keberhasilan pemberdayaan kelompok afinitas, perkembangan kelompok di kabupaten Garut relatif lebih baik dibandingkan di kabupaten Klaten; (2) Salah satu faktor penentu keberhasilan adalah kesesuaian antara usaha yang dikembangkan dengan kontekstual setempat, yang dipengaruhi oleh dinamika sosial ekonomi politik dan ekologi tata kelola ketahanan pangan masyarakat; (3) Kelembagaan ketahanan pangan (kelompok afinitas) mengalami perkembangan yang berbeda di tiap wilayah mengikuti tahap persiapan dan penumbuhan kelompok sebelumnya, dan dipengaruhi oleh kelembagaan asli dan kelembagaan atas desa. (4) Model pemberdayaan petani di setiap desa juga spesifik menurut dinamika masyarakat, perkembangan kelembagaan kelompok afinitas, serta tahapan perkembangan implementasi program mapan. Situasi konflik politik dan kepentingan aktor turut mempengaruhi kegiatan pemberdayaan petani.
The issues of food security and poverty are basically the problems that exist in rural community development. The course of the food security development should be more directed toward efforts to empower and prosper the rural community, especially at household level around subsistent farmers. The objective of this research was to formulate the model of farmer empowerment to speed up the farmer‟s self-supportiveness and the sustainability of household as well as national food security. The farmer empowerment is the way for farmer‟s participation in the programs of food security, so that the farmers themselves can achieve self-supporting prosperous village. According to the activity success indicators used to measure the aspect of affinity group empowerment; it was revealed that the group development in Garut district was relatively better than in Klaten district. One of the factors that determined the success of group affinity development was the suitability between the venture developed by group member with the local context; which was influenced by the socio-economic and political dynamics and local ecology of the community food security management. Food security institution (affinity group) experienced different development in every area; all followed the preparation and promotion stages that had been previously implemented and it was influenced also by the indigenous institution and village institution. The model of farmer empowerment in every village was specific to the community dynamics, the development of affinity group institution, and the staging of the self-supportive program implementation.
Appears in Collections:Research Proceeding

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