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dc.contributor.authorMuljono, Pudji
dc.contributor.authorBakhtiar, Yannefri
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui model pos pemberdayaan keluarga (Posdaya) dalam upaya pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi keluarga untuk pengentasan kemiskinan secara sitematis. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah semua posdaya binaan IPB dengan cakupan wilayah Kota Bogor, Kabupaten Bogor, Kabupaten Cianjur dan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Berdasarkan analisis kinerja dan identifikasi permasalahan dalam pengelolaan posdaya, maka dapat disusun berbagai rencana aksi pengembangan posdaya, antara lain: (1) perlunya pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengurus/dan kader posdaya, (2) resosialisasi posdaya secara vertikal dan horisontal ke seluruh pihak, (3) membangun jejaring usaha produktif untuk lebih memacu pertumbuhan usaha ekonomi masyarakat, (4) pembelajaran dan pemotivasian pengurus/kader posdaya melalui kegiatan study banding dan bechmarking ke posdaya lain, (5) pengembangan koperasi posdaya sebagai wadah kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat.en
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to apply the concept of community empowerment through the model of family empowerment program in an effort to social and economic development for poverty alleviation by systematically action. The location of this research is all family empowerment program with coverage of Bogor Agricultural University that are in Bogor city, Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi regency. Based on performance analysis and identification of problems in the management of family empowerment program, it can be arranged various of family empowerment program development action plan, among other things: (1) the need for training to improve the quality of management family empowerment program, (2) resocialization of family empowerment program with vertically and horizontally to all parties, ( 3) building productive business network to trigger the growth of economic business community, (4) learning and motivating the board and personnel of family empowerment program through study activities and bechmarking appeal to others, (5) the cooperative development of family empowerment program to develop the institution of community economic activities.en
dc.titleUpaya pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengentasan Kemiskinan melalui model posdaya (pos pemberdayaan keluarga)en
dc.title.alternativeProsiding Seminar Hasil-Hasil Penelitian IPB 2009en
dc.subject.keywordFamily empowerment programen
dc.subject.keywordcommunity empowermenten
Appears in Collections:Research Proceeding

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