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Title: Pengelolaan pemanenan kelapa sawit (elaeis guineensis jacq.) di teluk bakau estate, pt bhumireksa nusa sejati minamas plantation, riau
Other Titles: Harvest management of palm oil (elaeis guineensis jacq.) in teluk bakau estate, pt bhumireksa nusa sejati minamas plantation, riau
Authors: Lontoh, Adolf Pieter
Rasyid, Chairul Zanuar
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University
Abstract: Kegiatan magang dilaksanakan di Kebun Teluk Bakau, PT Bhumireksa Nusa Sejati Minamas Plantation, Riau dari 10 Februari hingga 10 Juni 2014. Pelaksanaan kegiatan magang bertujuan untuk memperoleh pengalaman kerja, keterampilan dan pengetahuan khususnya pengetahuan kultur teknis tanaman kelapa sawit. Secara khusus kegiatan magang bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengelolaan panen melalui proses kegiatan panen, menganalisis permasalahan dan memecahkan masalah. Secara keseluruhan proses kegiatan panen untuk menghasilkan produksi TBS (Tandan Buah Segar) di Kebun Teluk Bakau berjalan dengan baik. Pelaksanaan panen yang efisien dipengaruhi oleh taksasi produksi, cuaca pada saat pelaksanaan panen, tingkat kematangan buah, rotasi panen, sistem pengangkutan hasil panen dan karyawan panen. Proses kegiatan angkut tandan buah segar di Kebun Teluk Bakau menggunakan jalur air. Saat proses pengangkutan masih terdapat kehilangan hasil pada buah dan brondolan. Pengawasan intensif terhadap karyawan merupakan salah satu langkah untuk menekan kehilangan hasil panen
The internship was conducted in Teluk Bakau Estate, PT Bhumireksa Nusa Sejati Minamas Plantation, Riau from February 10 th to June 10 th 2014. The purpose of internship is to get experience of work, skill and knowledge especially the technical culture of palm oil. In specifically, the purpose of internship is to learn management of harvesting by processing of harvesting activity, analyze of problem and solve problem. Process of harvesting activity that produced the fresh fruit bunch in the Teluk Bakau Estate had been good. There are some factors which influenced palm oil harvesting, they were prediction of production, weather in harvesting, fruit ripeness, harvested rotation, transportation and the labor. The harvesting activity in Teluk Bakau Estate used water transportation. There was still the losses during process of transportation. The intensive control to the labor was one of the measures to depress the losses
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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