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dc.contributor.authorZ. Siregar, Iskandar
dc.description.abstractUntuk penyelamatan jenis palahlar (Dipterocarpus hasseltii Blume dan Dipterocarpus retusus Blume) di Jawa Barat Istomo dkk. mulai tahun 2004 sampai tahun 2006 bekerjasama dengan Perum Perhutani telah berhasil membangun petak penanaman palahlar (D. hasseltii dan D. retusus) seluas 5 ha di areal Perum Perhutani di KPH Bogor dan KPH Banten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah berumur 5 tahun rata-rata diameter untuk jenis D. hasseltii di lokasi penelitian Cigudeg adalah 29.90 mm sedangkan rata-rata tinggi adalah 212.94 cm untuk jenis D. retusus rata-rata diameter 27,60 mm dan tinggi 217,60 cm. Pada lokasi penelitian Carita rata-rata diameter untuk jenis D. hasseltii adalah 48,70 mm sedangkan rata-rata tinggi adalah 421,20 cm, untuk jenis D. retusus rata-rata diameter 24.20 mm dan rata-rata tinggi 253,80 cm. Keragaman genetik berdasarkan hasil analisis POPGENE 32 menunjukkan bahwa untuk palahlar (D. hasseltii) nilai na (1,7727), ne (1,4021) dan he (0,2498) tertinggi. Sedangkan untuk palahlar gunung (D. retusus) nilai na(1,6818), ne(1,3797) dan he(0,2240) tertinggi. Mengingat keragaman genetik masih tinggi (18,69 %), maka tanaman D. hasseltii dan D. retusus pada petak contoh penelitian dalam jangka panjang dapat dikembangkan sebagai kebun benih.en
dc.description.abstractSince the year 2004, up to the year 2006, in cooperation with Perum Perhutani (State owned forestry company) has succeded in establishing plantation plot of palahlar (D. hasseltii and D. retusus) as large as 5 ha in the area of Perum Perhutani, in KPH Bogor and KPH Banten. Research results showed that after reaching 5 years age, average diameter for species D. hasseltii in research location of Cigudeg was 29.90 mm, whereas the average height was 212.94 cm. For species D. Retusus, average diameter was 27.60 mm and that of height was 217.60 cm. In the research location of Carita, average diameter for species D. hasseltii was 48.70 mm, whereas the average height was 421.20 cm; and for species D. retusus the average diameter was diameter was 24.20 mm and that of height was 253,80 cm. Genetic variability based on analysis results of POPGENE 32 showed that for palahlar (D. hasseltii) the following values were obtained, namely na (1.7727), ne (1.4021) and he (0.2498), the highest. On the other hand, for palahlar gunung (D. retusus) the value of na was (1,6818), ne was (1.3797) and he was (0.2240), the highest. Considering that the genetic variability was still high (18.69 %), in long term, the plants of D. hasseltii and D. retusus in the research sample plots could be be developed into 125 seed orchards.en
dc.titleProgram pelestarian dan pengembangan pohon asli Bernilai tinggi palahlar (dipterocarpus retusus blume dan Dipterocarpus hasseltii blume) di jawa baraten
dc.title.alternativeProsiding Seminar Hasil – Hasil Penelitian IPB 2009en
dc.subject.keywordpertumbuhan tinggien
dc.subject.keywordpertumbuhan diameteren
dc.subject.keywordkeragaman geneticen
Appears in Collections:Research Proceeding

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