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dc.contributor.advisorWiyono, Eko Sri
dc.contributor.advisorWiyawan, Budy
dc.contributor.advisorSolihin, Iin
dc.contributor.authorWahyudi, Dedy Putra
dc.description.abstractIndonesian fishery resources management is a very complex system. Sustainability is the key word in the construction of which is expected to improve fishery resources and fishing communities themselves. Fishing activity in the PPI Cisolok is one example of small-scale fishing activities that still uses traditional fishing technology. Efforts to improve peformance of small-scale fishermen and improving the management of fisheries in Cisolok strived towards its sustainability therefore a study that aims to access the relationship aspects or sub-aspects that are influenced in small-scale fisheries in Cisolok has been conducted. Aspects and sub-aspects that were used refer to the theory of sustainable development, namely economic, social, ecological, and governance aspects. This study refers to the technique of path analysis which is an analytical technique used to analyze the causal relationships between variabels using value scale. The data collection process was obtained in two stages. The first stage of data collecting process through interviews and surveys based on the needs of the data that had been previously determined. The second phase was done through interviews based on questionnaires in the form of closed questions. The sample of respondents (40 peoples) was taken intentionally by using purposive sampling and snowball method. The results of analysis showed that the economic aspect has the greatest effect among the other. Based on analysis in four aspects of sustainability, the problem in PPI Cisolok can be identified, namely; catch’s price is controlled by the private sector, lack of fishermen involvement in policy-making process, environmental condition that unable to accommodate the increasing rate of fishing effort and lack of data collection on small-scale fisheries process. To overcome this, the government needs to publish rules regarding to catch pricing determination, involving fishermen in the policy-making process and greater control over the running of small-scale fisheries in PPI Cisolok especially in terms of exploitation limit and data collecting.en
dc.subject.ddcFish Stocken
dc.subject.ddcSukabumi-Jawa Baraten
dc.titleAnalisis Persepsi Keberlanjutan Perikanan Tangkap Skala Kecil di Cisolok, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.en
dc.subject.keywordSmall-Scale Fisheriesen
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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