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Title: Analisis usahatani terpadu pada Anugrah Farm di Kecamatan Tajur Halang Kabupaten Bogor
Authors: Fariyanti, Anna
Cesari, Ajeng Tiara
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Integrated farming system is a business system that combines the components of agriculture, such as plants, animals and fish in a union. Longyam is one of the integrated farming system concept that combine the maintenance between fish and poultry. The purpose of this research was; 1) to analyze the effect of integrated farming system to the cost structure, revenue, additional benefits, income, and contribution of Anugrah Farm businesses, also 2) to analyze the efficiency level of Anugrah Farm‟s businesses. This research used farm income analysis method that include cost, revenue, and the business efficiency level analysis. Research shows that cost and revenue from chicken poultry method is higher than other businesses. An additional benefit of integrated farming was received cost saving and chicken feses transfer price. In business contribution, chicken poultry business is more contribute than catfish business to longyam‟s revenue. Chicken poultry business is more efficient to develop, with the value of R/C ratio is higher than other businesses.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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