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Title: Analisis dayasaing dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi ekspor komoditas kakao olahan Indonesia
Authors: Purnamadewi, Yeti Lis
Firsya, Ahmad Fadhli
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the competitiveness and factors that affect the flow of Indonesian cocoa exports in five export destinations of Indonesia.. The method used for the analysis of the competitiveness of Indonesian cocoa is the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA). The results of the RCA analysis generally indicate that Indonesian cocoa butter, fat, and oil has a better relatively competitiveness compared with the cocoa paste and cocoa powder on each export destination. To analyze the factors that affect the flow of Indonesian cocoa exports used econometric analysis with the Gravity Model approach. Significant variables that affecting the flow of Indonesian cocoa paste export are importer GDP, the GDP of Indonesia, importer population, the population of Indonesia, the export price of Indonesian cocoa paste, the real exchange rate of the IDR, economic distance, and the duties of cocoa beans. While for the commodity cocoa butter, fat, oil throughout these variables have a significant effect. Meanwhile, in commodity cocoa powder there are two variables that do not significantly affect the flow of Indonesian cocoa powder exports are importer GDP and economic distance.
Appears in Collections:UT - Economics and Development Studies

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