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Title: Implementasi Undang-Undang No. 16 Tahun 1964 Tentang Sistem Bagi Hasil Perikanan: Praktek Sistem Bagi Hasil Perikanan di PPI Muara Angke
Authors: Solihin, Akhmad
Utami, Wanda Putri
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Fisheries in PPI Muara Angke is making use of fishing gears such as boukeami or squid net, purse Seine, gillnet, and trap. Sharing system practices which based on costums are in accord with the Act 16 of 1964, where the boat owner receives 60% and the fish workers receive 40%. Although in boukeami they use 50:50 sharing formula. According to the Act, the amount of allotment in the worker’s share is regulated in Article 3 paragraph (2) which is no more than 3 shares and at least a share. This has actually been practiced in PPI Muara Angke. However, there were differences in splitting the cost, expenses and expenditures between what was said in the act with the practice. As result, the fish workers receive less revenue.
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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