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Title: Evaluasi Karakter Vegetatif Hoya (Apocynaceae) di Kebun Raya Bogor
Authors: Chikmawati, Tatik
Rahayu, Sri
Gunaria, Yulad
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Hoya is epiphyte, lithophyte plant, or shrub. Information of morphological diversity is essential to it’s development as an ornamental plant. The aim of this research was to study the morphological diversity of vegetative characters of Hoya that are collected in Bogor Botanical Garden, in order to facilitate identification in the field. This research provides the diversity of vegetative characters of Hoya as one of the library reference, and provides a Hoya identification key based on vegetative characters. Twenty six Hoya species were morphologically characterized their vegetative organs. The data then were tabulated, and used for constructing an identification key. The results showed that Hoya has variation in several vegetative characters i.e shape, size, base and tip of the leaf, vein shape of leaf, leaf blade surface (indumentum), leaf blade color, petiole shape, indumentum, size and color of the stem. The best characters for distinguishing among Hoya species were the form of the leaf blade and leaf venation. Some species have some unique characters that can be used to distinguish among species of Hoya, for example H. imbricata has imbricate leaf arrengement, reniform shape and purple abaksial surface. The leaf venation of H. finlaysonii is pinnate that has contrast color between venation and blade. The specific features of other species will be discussed further in this paper.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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