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dc.contributor.advisorDjuraidah, Anik
dc.contributor.advisorSilvianti, Pika
dc.contributor.authorAfrizal, Moslem
dc.description.abstractSurvival analysis is an analysis which describe the form of times from a well-defined time origin until the occurence of some particular event. The methods are known by Cox and Weibull Proportional Hazard. Data that used in this result from Indonesia Demography and Health Survey 2012. The KB’s pill is an effective contraception method and easy to use for a woman compared with other contraception methods. The KB’s pill has characteristic that its using-stop rate is the highest. Analysis result shows that all explanatory variables which significant in Cox model are also significant in Weibull model. The Weibull model is the best model to describe KB’s pill usage duration each province because its AIC value is smaller than Cox model. The most significant factor in all province are age, birth desired and health facility visited. The survival of KB’s pill usage in provinces which have different rate of growth almost same.en
dc.subject.ddcStatistic modelsen
dc.titlePenerapan Analisis Daya Tahan pada Ketidaklangsungan Pemakaian Pil KB (Studi Kasus: Masa Pemakaian Pil KB di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan dan Papua Tahun 2007- 2012)en
dc.subject.keywordweibull proportional hazarden
dc.subject.keywordsurvival analysisen
dc.subject.keywordKB’s pillen
dc.subject.keywordcox proportional hazarden
Appears in Collections:UT - Statistics and Data Sciences

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