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Title: Dinamika Nitrat Tanaman Caisin (Brassica rapa L.) pada Dataran Sedang dan Dataran Rendah yang Ditanam Terbuka dan Ternaungi
Authors: Agusta, Herdhata
Sari, Kartika Ratna
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The objective of this study was to identify the accumulation of nitrate in caisin (Brassica rapa L.) grown in open field and screen shading at low and medium altitudes. This research was conducted on June to October 2013. Plant sampling was conducted at 3 locations at each altitudes. According to the elevation classification, low altitudes were under 500 masl (meters above sea level) and medium altitudes were between 500–700 masl. At each locations, there were 2 conditions, shaded and open field. On 2 weeks after planting, caisin grown in medium altitudes had higher nitrate levels than in the low altitudes. In addition, caisin grown under cover had higher nitrate levels than in open field.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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