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Title: Kapasitas Penyerapan Emisi CO2, NO2, dan Debu Jatuh dari Sektor Transportasi, Industri, dan Peternakan oleh Kebun Raya Bogor
Authors: Yuwono, Arief Sabdo
Zahriyani, Pramudipta
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: One of the environmental issue is the increasing of air pollution concentration. On the other hand, Bogor Botanical Gardens has high potential as an air quality controller. This study aims to calculating Bogor Botanical Gardens plants ability to reduce CO2, NO2, and dustfall, analyzing the correlation of leave morphology with the plant ability in absorb dustfall, and determine criteria of plant that can reduce CO2, NO2, and dustfall. Total amount of CO2, NO2, and dustfall emission and Bogor Botanical Garden sink ability was calculated by secondary data from multiple source unit and its corresponding emission factors. The ability of several plant to absorb dustfall calculated by gravimetric method using samples from Bogor Botanical Garden. The sample plant are Sansevieria trifasciata, Cinnamomum multiflorum, Callicarpa pedunculata, Carmona retusa, dan Antigonon leptopus. The analysis show that Bogor Botanical Gardens is be able to reduce CO2 emissions by 28.7%, NO2 by 2.2%, and dustfall by 11.4%. Plant ability to absorb dustfall are 0.02-0.7 mg/cm2. The most effective species to absorb dustfall is Carmona retusa with maximum capacity of 0.7 mg/cm2.
Appears in Collections:UT - Civil and Environmental Engineering

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