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dc.contributor.advisorAtmowidi, Tri
dc.contributor.authorNurfebriani, Vina
dc.description.abstractFast grown’s teak has low durability because the teak was harvested in short age. The aims of study was to study effect combination of temperature and heat periode to teak wood durability againts subterranean (Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren) and dry wood termites (Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light). The temperature level used in this study were 1000C, 1200C, 1400C, 1600C, and 1800C and heating periode level used were 3 hours, 6 hours, 9 hours, 12 hours, dan 24 hours. The wood samples were tested by termites attack according to SNI 01-7207-2006. Result showed that in subterranean termites test, heating periode affected to weight loss. Increasing periode of heating, increase durabiliti’s teak wood from class IV to class III. While, in dry wood termites test, wood durablity was affected by temperature and heating at 160-1800C increase durabiliti’s teak wood from class IV to class III.en
dc.titleKetahanan Kayu Jati Unggul Nasional (Tectona grandis Lf.) Terhadap Serangan Rayap Tanah dan Rayap Kayu Keringen
dc.subject.keyworddry wood termiteen
dc.subject.keywordsubterranean termiteen
dc.subject.keywordheat periodeen
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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