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Title: Pemisahan eugenol dari minyak atsiri daun cengkih (Syzygium aromaticum) sebagai pelangsing aromaterapi secara in vivo
Authors: Batubara, Irmanida
Suparto, Irma Herawati
Hasim, Fahmi
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Clove contains essential oil with eugenol as major component. This study aims to separate eugenol in the essential oil of clove leaves and analyze its potency as slimming aromatherapy by in vivo assay. Eugenol from essential oil of clove leaves was separated by chemical and gave 2 fractions, namely eugenol fraction and nonpolar fraction. Analysis of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that eugenol fraction contain eugenol with the purity of 85%, while the nonpolar fraction containd 35% of β-caryophyllene. In vivo assay showed that the rat group inhalated essential oil of clove leaves had significant difference in average weight as compared with group inhalated eugenol fraction in level of confidence 95%. Inhalation of essential oil of clove leaves also tend to have lower response on the body weight as compared to the negative control group. It showed that inhalation of clove leaves with 1% concentration is potential as slimming aromatherapy by decreasing 13% of rats weight .
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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