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dc.contributor.authorSjaf, Sofyan
dc.description.abstractPoverty as a public issue should be interpreted as a form of construction of a regime born of communication. For this reason, each regime has a different formulation of the target goals of poverty alleviation programs. This paper is a reflexive form of poverty alleviation programs of two different regimes, the factors that influence the formation of the communication model of poverty reduction, the ratio of action to alleviate poverty in two different regimes, and how to anticipate the ideal communication model for poverty reduction. The authors conclude that the ideal communication poverty alleviation should involve the poor as subjects of development begins early when the development of indicators and determining the location of the village of program implementation. It is based on two fundamental considerations, first, that the target or target group is not biased from the real poor, and secondly, to do mobilization program jointly (across social class) that serves as a social responsibility among social strata as well as control of implementation programs.en
dc.publisherPusat Studi Pemberdayaan Mahasiswa dan Masyarakat Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM)-UNS Surakarta
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume III;No. 1 Februari 2012-
dc.titleMENCARI KOMUNIKASI IDEAL PENGENTASAN KEMISKINAN:: Belajar dari Program IDT dan PNPM Mandiri Pedesaanen
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Human Ecology

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