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Title: Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) di Kecamatan Lembang, Jawa Barat
Authors: Adhi, Andriyono Kilat
Anajohn, Josia
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Indonesia has a high diversity of fruits. The original fruits can be come from Indonesia or from other countries. Jaboticaba is one of the fruit plants from the other country that can be growth in Indonesia. Jaboticaba farm at Lembang, West Java is the biggest Jaboticaba farm in Indonesia. This research will analyze the business if the farm is reliable. The analyze aspects are financial analyze and non financial analyze. The financial analylze shown that earn after tax is Rp.5.494.373.101, NPV Rp.120.580.103, IRR 6,641% (discount rate is 6%), Net B/C 1,07 and PP is 19 years. The non-financial analyze shown the farm are reliable included market aspect, technical aspect, management aspect, social and environment aspect. The conclusion after the writer took observation that Jaboticaba Cherry Brazil farm is reliable to agribusiness.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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