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Title: Perbandingan Waktu Eksekusi Metode Simpleks dan Metode Titik Interior dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Optimasi Linear Menggunakan Mathematica
Authors: Silalahi, Bib Paruhum
Supriyo, Prapto Tri
Santo, Rochmat Ferry
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: There are two famous methods for solving linear optimization problems, namely simplex method and interior point method. In the simplex method, to find an optimal solution, the algorithm moves from vertex to vertex. While in the interior point method, the algorithm moves in the interior of the feasible region of the problem. In this paper we compare the execution time of the simplex method and the interior point method in solving several linear optimization problems by using a mathematical software, that is Mathematica. The size of problems are chosen from small to relatively big. The main result is that the interior point method is faster than the simplex method for big size problems
Appears in Collections:UT - Mathematics

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