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Title: Identifikasi Keragaman Gen Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-1) Pada Ayam Lokal Dan Ras Pedaging Dengan Metode PCR-RFLP.
Authors: Darwati, Sri
Nurcahya, Harini
Effendi, Pipih Suningsih
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Identification of gene diversity is closely related on production levels. One of the genes that suspected to have an influence on the nature of growth is the insulin-like growth Factor I (IGF-1). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms and polymerase chain reaction allows the identification of genetic diversity directly at the DNA level. This study aims to identify the diversity of IGF-1 and find out the variation of genes at several native chicken and broiler. Total number of samples were 100 heads from are native chicken and broiler chicken. Native chicken that consists of four types : 15 kampoeng chickens, 16 kedu chickens, 15 sentul chickens and 15 pelung chickens, 23 arab chickens, and 16 broiler chickens. Using PCR-RFLP method by Pst1 restriction enzyme. Genotyping the IGF-1 gene resulted in two alleles, namely A and B, with three genotypes, namely AA, AB dan BB. The average frequency of the A allele followed by native chickens and broiler chickens was higher (0.68) than the B allele (0.32). AA genotype had the highedt average frequency (0.56) than the AB genotype (0.40) and the BB genotype (0.04). Chi-Square analysis showed that kampoeng chickens, kedu chickens, sentul chickens, pelung chickens, and broiler chickens were in Hardy-weinberg (HW) equilibrium (X2 < X2(0.05)), contrast to arab chickens (X2 > X2(0.05)). The sixth type of chicken has a low heterozygosity values. The closest kinship exists between populations kedu chicken and chicken Sentul at 0.395, and the farthest are the populations of broiler chickens and that is equal to 0.979.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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